Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Got Game do you GOT Game?

I started writing this a while ago when I was bored then I lost it and thought about heck why not write it again, I find it somewhat funny…
The Game, I am still a little knocked on exactly what does that mean, perhaps because we are currently amidst the game, becoming and have become a player in the game, or have been played.

So as humans do we like this whole game, the game of how do I get her to like me w/out her knowing the games I am playing or how do I make it seem that he was interested in me when I was in control of maneuvering ever piece in this game. I have always admittedly been against games and swore up and down that honesty is the path but then I woke the hell up and realized that no one wants to put their feeling on the line and no one wants to get others involved so that's where we resort to the GAME.

After talking to a few brothers, sisters, and honestly re-thinking some of the things I have done, here are a few games us Muslim most commonly play:
• PHASE 1A: So it another conference, lecture, meeting, gathering, or fundraiser and you are asking yourself why the hell do you always volunteer or come to these lame events or perhaps you are actually enjoying yourself....until WAIT!!! OMG who is THAT, every thought that was consuming your head just hit the floor as your eyebrows raise and your eyes squint, you just caught the first glimpse of your prey ( ooopps I mean some sister or brother), you watch the person like a hawk watching its prey (it's been a long time since you had a good meal if any at all)....but wait you realize you must me be discreet b/c you don't want this spectacular prey to catch on and get away...YOU know what time it is's time for the eye game, you catch that persons eye but quickly look away, knowing that person has noticed you, YES, you think LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!
• PHASE 1B: Okay the eye game is fun but YOU want MORE, it's time to increase the heat a bit...It's time for the following each other game...At all times you know where and who your prey is talking to (of course they don't know that)but you want to get into close proximity, you decide to talk to someone who happens to be near them...HECK the Muslim community is small I am sure they are talking to someone you already know so you go over there to ask a question and wittily knew that person would introduce you to that person... AHHHH now you know your preys name...So for the remainder of the event you are on cloud nine, hey if you're lucky you have gotten your prey's attention and they are now exchanging looks with you....It was a great conference, lecture, or fundraiser after all!!!
• PHASE 2A: This is known as the how much info can you find out about that person within 24-hours...Yeah I said 24-hours b/c you know you're so freaking anxious to find out as much as possible...This is where the great invention of Google come into place b/c if they are active, you know their name will get a few hits, if that doesn't work the good old call a friend of a friend who knows of a friend of a friend of that person and on the sly bring up that person's name, like yeah the event was great, hey you know your friend so and so, I've never seen them around how do you know them??? most likely the person will ask you why and you quickly respond by saying WOHOO it's just a question I don't really care... the I really don't care usually open up the door and this person's friend gives you just enough info, where you can now do your own investigation w/out that friend picking up on it....sighhhh these games really get your analytical thinking going...So now you know the basic 411, what this prey does, where they live, who is their family, are they involved if so where, their age, likes, dislikes, and the list goes on....MAN oh MAN if we applied all this research to school or work we would all be all stars but hey some things are more of a priority...we are now ready to move on to Phase 3A...
• PHASE 3A: So now that you know the basic 411 on your prey, you are wondering when you will see this person next...This is called the coincidental meeting...This one is the hardest part of the game, if you can overcome this level, you have become a full-fledged professional in the art of the Game...This level takes some patience and research....You are not a part of this persons network, so how do you get to meet them again...hmm....well you just found out there is another event coming up, GREAT but WAIT, how will you talk to this person....ideas are floating around...Well the day has come of the event, you make sure to look fabulous and if you have done your initially strategies well, your prey will be looking for you as well....You spot your prey but you play it cool, even though your thought are spiraling rapidly in your head like fireworks on a stick (yeah I know weird analogy) spot your prey about to get up, it's time for you to be quick but settle and walk out the door the same time of your prey but act like you totally did not see them b/c most likely they will say salaams or you will have to act startle and be like Oh hey Salaams sorry about that didn't see you...that leads to how are you.....You want to keep it quick but sweet and memorable, you make sure you are friendly but not too friendly that it gives anything away but enough where now when you see each other you can go up to one another.....YES your thinking I have become a master-mind...but WOOOO there, you've got a ways there before you can celebrate....
• PHASE 4A: It dawns on you that the best way to get close to your prey is to get close to their family, but that seems like a very unrealistic move, so the best option are their friends.....HMMM how can you make this happen, well you know that mutual friend you have that you saw at the event, you decide to call them up and hang out, you know rekindle that relationship, while you are becoming buddy buddy, you slowly work your way into your preys social network, now you share the same acquaintance and friends, which leads you to your ultimate goal of in a group hanging out *you know you always wanna keep it Islamic and do group things ( haha that was funny)* with your prey.....You now have the perfect opportunity to get to know your prey a little but better w/out seeming suspicious, oh how you have weaved this web you have weaved so well...
• PHASE 5A: So this is a critical point to determine if there is any chemistry between you and the prey, so you do what we Muslims like to call HALAL FLIRTING (woooh calm down not the flirting you are use to) but this flirting is when you know of an interest your prey may have and you act and seemed utterly interested *even though you could care less* but you know seeming attentive will be a factor in the prey being receptive and perhaps taking you as a friend.
• PHASE 6A: Now you and your prey are friends, no longer is there this awkwardness when talking to your prey in person or on the phone….You are sensing that they are hooked because you played the game of hard to get and that is right you did it right…Be careful this is a crucial point because if you play your cards too well you can kill the game because you are protecting your feelings and you being nonchalant can seem like you are un-interested, so BEWARE this might turn your prey off and we definitely don't want that..But you are not amateur you did exactly what was needed…You think what will your next steps be?
• PHASE 7A: See this is considered the dangerous phase because you notice that for some reason you are thinking less about your prey, your visions is becoming clouded because who wants to play a game that they keep winning, the thrill is warring off, there is no more of a chase factor…OR…now your prey has become a great friend and you don't know how to maximize the heat to get to the next level….AHHHHHHHHH now you are stuck in the game and want to get the hell out…or the game itself has become destructive and blows up in your face…
• PHASE 8A? WAIT!!! Is there a next phase? Was this game worth it? If you did not play the game could it have actually grown into a relationship? Are games worth it?
• PHASE 9A: I am sure the games will continue until you become the prey.

sorry still need an ending


Blogger said...


Funny. Slightly true, and funny.

Games are for kids though :)

single4now said...

Wow. And all this time I was lowering my gaze. Shucks. Funny stuff though. Weird if this really happens. No wonder I can't find a man. I obviously suck at these games. I can't even flirt.

On a serious note though, I don't think I could ever play these games. I have no patience for it and it's not my style. And even though I personally know of girls who have great luck when doing that, it just feels unnatural to me.

Anyway, thank you for this entertaining post. :D

Innocence in the Making

Innocence in the Making