So for those who don't know I recently left my job, which was a shocker to many since I always went on about how much I loved my job and how great everything was.....dun dun dunnnn...Don't get me wrong I loved my job, honestly the work I did as a Program Director was enjoyable and the best part of it all was I was helping Muslims...but wait is that where the problem occurred...Working for Muslims...? Something my baba always warned me about, he always said Muslim slave drive, under appreciate you, and under-pay you...hmm is that true? Maybe to some extent or maybe it's the whole they love you like their own family...wow thats a scary thought...I think its just that Muslims have this whole concept that you won't mind as another Muslim if they are slow with things like; pay, appreciation, professionalism, and so forth...but NEWSFALSH maybe that's the reason why our nations are in tip top shape...right...well whatever it may be I will not give up on the Muslim workforce, because if we can't deal with our own ppl who the heck is going to...maybe us young folks need to start a coup and get rid of all the fobs and start bringing a thing like work ethics and appreciation back into the Muslim workforce...how is that for a thought....anyways enough ranting
1 comment:
that is pretty sad as The blessed Prophet and his Companions set really good examples in terms of a work ethic. They were very conscientous of not cheating anyone out of a fear of Allah SWT. Sadly that's what the Muslims of this generation are sadly lacking in.
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